iPhone Must-Have: New School Meets Old School

Steve Jobs truly revolutionized the world with his Apple products, and with his passing, we’ve lost a true visionary.

Although I myself am not getting an iPhone anytime soon since I have a pretty terrible habit of losing an average of three phones per semester, I’m obviously dying for one, and the cool cases that are available definitely don’t help.

This cover from ModCloth is totally hipster (which I definitely am not), but for some reason, I’m still completely obsessed. Combine two products that revolutionized their times, and the result is major.

It even comes with a display stand! Get the case here for $24.99.

P.S. – Who’s going to start producing cool Blackberry cases, and when?!

Going Phoneless Shouldn’t Feel Like Going Topless

After being in Punta Cana for my first “real” college spring break, I’ve learned a lot. One thing is that girls really do take their bikini tops off without any incentive. Another thing was that life goes on without being in constant contact with the world through your cell phone.

As per usual for me, I lost my phone within two days of the break. Normally when I lose my phone at school, I have a short mental breakdown, immediately call Verizon, and have a shiny new Blackberry in hand by the next day. Yes – I know – it sounds completely pathetic when I write it out, but it’s true. Although I didn’t think I was addicted to my phone (which has my e-mail, texting, and BBM as well as applications for Facebook, and Twitter), after losing my phone in a foreign country, I realized I have been.

The only difference in my initial mental breakdown this time was that it was in a foreign country and I had no access to ordering or receiving a new phone. Instead, I bought myself a small, black-and-white phone with a few pre-paid minutes and was forced out of the loop and into the real world, where conversations happen face-to-face with no interruption of, “Hold on, I have to answer this.”

At first I felt completely naked, like one of my body parts was missing. But then, I began to feel relieved.

This technology vacation truly made me, as well as my friends (who, although slightly more connected than I, were still technologically-deprived) realize how hard it is to be fully present in your daily life when your cell phone is always in hand, beeping and buzzing. Knowing I had no access to my phone, I wasn’t worried if I was missing an “important” text, or if I had gotten an e-mail from a teacher. All that mattered was that if God-forbid I was alone, I had my emergency contacts. Besides that, I focused on soaking up the sun, laughing with my friends, and completely enjoying every moment of my trip (besides the food that is).

When I do get my phone back this week, I’m planning on taking my use of it down a notch. I’m vowing not to have it in my hand all night and not to continuously sneak peeks at the red LED light during class, anticipating a text or Facebook comment. Even today in my normally boring class that used to “require” me constantly texting to stay awake, I was forced to listen and even participate! It’s a whole new world, my friends.

I’d recommend that everyone try taking vacations from technology every now and then – it reminds you of how great experiencing life hands-on can be.

How To… Update Your Nails

Everyone is talking about nail art, nail polish and nails in general these days! Between the Minx manicures, places like WAH Nails coming up with insanely awesome designs, and nail blogs popping up left and right, it’s clear that nails are a must-have accessory.

If you’re not bold enough to deck out every nail in a crazy design, or if you’d just like to update your manicure and still keep it chic, we have 5 ways:

1) Update The Blackberry Manicure

The original Blackberry “bling” manicure involved painting your thumb nails a different color than the rest of your hand, preferably, a silvery color to make them “pop” as you texted. Take this look to the next level and try painting any nail a different color than the rest, or get one nail done in a cool Minx print, and the rest in normal polish.

I just got my nails all done in Essie Playa del Platinum, and my ring finger is Essie Shifting Power. I’m obsessed with gray nails right now (and so is Lady Gaga apparently!), and the gold really stands out against the concrete color.

2) Go Ombre

With an ombre manicure, you can be as severe or subtle as you want. All Lacquered Up did an ombre manicure using all different shades of blue, which was so cool! I would love to try this look with a less out there color, like pinks.

3) Update Your French

Take your french to the next level, and instead of sticking with a plain nude or light pink, try a bright, daring color! I’m definitely going to be getting a manicure using OPI Ski Teal We Drop with a white line. Or maybe I’ll use a color like China Glaze Flying High.

4) Get Glam

Adding a jewel can be an easy way to instantly update your manicure. Stick-on studs, rhinestones, and stickers are all cheap and chic, and require little fuss. Be careful on the type you pick though – they can look tacky! Check your local beauty supply store for these pieces of nail art.

Tip: if you’re not quite ready to stick foreign objects onto your nails, try using a nail polish designed with a thin brush and creating a small design that you like!

5) Get Inspired!

Half of my inspiration for my nails, whether it be the colors I choose or the designs I experiment with, come from my favorite nail polish blogs. Check out Lacquerized, All Lacquered Up, WAH Nails, and The Lacquer Files! Look through any nail polish blog, and you’ll be instantly inspired to try something new.

What do you think?

Will you be experimenting with your nail polish? What color do you have on your nails right now? What’s the craziest manicure you’ve gotten? Let us know in a comment!